10-29-22, 08:23 PM
Watts Up With That?
What Is Going on With the Glaciers at Glacier National Park?
By Roger Roots, J.D., Ph.D.
For the past seven years I have journeyed to Glacier National Park (GNP) during the second week of September to observe the state of the glaciers at their lowest point of each year. I also try to observe the state of the official literature, signage, films and lectures on the topic of glacier size.
In the spring of 2019 I broke the story that National Park Service had quietly removed signs in GNP which predicted the glaciers would all be gone by 2020. They removed these signs during the winter when the visitor facilities were closed to the public. In the past three years the government has transitioned to claims that the glaciers are steadily melting but no one can predict precisely when they’ll disappear.
Warmist/alarmists hardly mention Glacier Park anymore.....
What Is Going on With the Glaciers at Glacier National Park?
By Roger Roots, J.D., Ph.D.
For the past seven years I have journeyed to Glacier National Park (GNP) during the second week of September to observe the state of the glaciers at their lowest point of each year. I also try to observe the state of the official literature, signage, films and lectures on the topic of glacier size.
In the spring of 2019 I broke the story that National Park Service had quietly removed signs in GNP which predicted the glaciers would all be gone by 2020. They removed these signs during the winter when the visitor facilities were closed to the public. In the past three years the government has transitioned to claims that the glaciers are steadily melting but no one can predict precisely when they’ll disappear.
Warmist/alarmists hardly mention Glacier Park anymore.....

“A theory that is not refutable by any conceivable event is non-scientific.” – Karl Popper
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