11-01-22, 12:28 PM
Not a good look when even the typos get copied. 19 tries, 19 fails. Just like the ‘children’s future’ public nuisance suits. 6 tries, 6 fails.
If ever one of these does make it to trial, it is gonna be embarrassing for the complainants, because everything they complain about is based on failed model projections:
The modeled tropical troposphere hot spot does not exist.
The modeled cloud feedback has the wrong sign.
The modeled ocean precipitation is half of what ARGO finds.
The modeled 2014 disappearance of Arctic summer sea ice didn’t happen.
The modeled sea level rise acceleration didn’t happen.
The modeled ocean acidification didn’t happen—oceans are buffered.
The modeled 2020 disappearance of Glacier National Park glaciers didn’t happen. So winter 2019 after the park closed, NPS disappeared all the signage saying it would.
Not a good look when even the typos get copied. 19 tries, 19 fails. Just like the ‘children’s future’ public nuisance suits. 6 tries, 6 fails.
If ever one of these does make it to trial, it is gonna be embarrassing for the complainants, because everything they complain about is based on failed model projections:
The modeled tropical troposphere hot spot does not exist.
The modeled cloud feedback has the wrong sign.
The modeled ocean precipitation is half of what ARGO finds.
The modeled 2014 disappearance of Arctic summer sea ice didn’t happen.
The modeled sea level rise acceleration didn’t happen.
The modeled ocean acidification didn’t happen—oceans are buffered.
The modeled 2020 disappearance of Glacier National Park glaciers didn’t happen. So winter 2019 after the park closed, NPS disappeared all the signage saying it would.
“A theory that is not refutable by any conceivable event is non-scientific.” – Karl Popper
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