11-29-23, 11:22 AM
Watts Up With That?
COP28: Who Matters? — Follow-up
Guest Opinion by Kip Hansen — 28 November 2023
My piece a few days ago emphasized the fact that in the contest between renewables and fossil fuels used to make electricity around the world, and their emissions, there were only a three countries whose contribution really mattered: China, India, USA and maybe a few others to a lesser degree. All the other 185 or so nations make almost literally no difference regardless of what they do: go full renewable or go full fossil fuel.
Most of the world doesn't have a reason to be at the conference except to get free money and free sex.
COP28: Who Matters? — Follow-up
Guest Opinion by Kip Hansen — 28 November 2023
My piece a few days ago emphasized the fact that in the contest between renewables and fossil fuels used to make electricity around the world, and their emissions, there were only a three countries whose contribution really mattered: China, India, USA and maybe a few others to a lesser degree. All the other 185 or so nations make almost literally no difference regardless of what they do: go full renewable or go full fossil fuel.
Most of the world doesn't have a reason to be at the conference except to get free money and free sex.
“A theory that is not refutable by any conceivable event is non-scientific.” – Karl Popper
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