09-27-23, 09:21 PM
Watts Up With That?
Summer warming 1895-2023 in U.S. cities exaggerated by 100% from the urban heat island effect
From Dr. Roy Spencer’s Global Warming Blog
by Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D.
September 27, 2023
We are now getting close to finalizing our methodology for computing the urban heat island (UHI) effect as a function of population density, and will be submitting our first paper for publication in the next few weeks. I’ve settled on using the CONUS (Lower 48) U.S. region as a demonstration since that is where the most dense network of weather stations is. We are using NOAA’s V4 of the GHCN monthly dataset.
I’ve previously described the methodology, where I use many thousands of closely-spaced station pairs to compute how temperature between stations change with population density at 10×10 km resolution. This is done for 22 classes of 2-station average population density, and the resulting cumulative UHI curves are shown in Fig. 1.
If it is true, then it is all over for the AGW scam as the last leg of their pseudoscience has been exposed.
Summer warming 1895-2023 in U.S. cities exaggerated by 100% from the urban heat island effect
From Dr. Roy Spencer’s Global Warming Blog
by Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D.
September 27, 2023
We are now getting close to finalizing our methodology for computing the urban heat island (UHI) effect as a function of population density, and will be submitting our first paper for publication in the next few weeks. I’ve settled on using the CONUS (Lower 48) U.S. region as a demonstration since that is where the most dense network of weather stations is. We are using NOAA’s V4 of the GHCN monthly dataset.
I’ve previously described the methodology, where I use many thousands of closely-spaced station pairs to compute how temperature between stations change with population density at 10×10 km resolution. This is done for 22 classes of 2-station average population density, and the resulting cumulative UHI curves are shown in Fig. 1.
If it is true, then it is all over for the AGW scam as the last leg of their pseudoscience has been exposed.
“A theory that is not refutable by any conceivable event is non-scientific.” – Karl Popper
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