03-05-23, 12:02 PM
American Thinker
When leftists want to scare you about global warming, remind them of this fact
By Jack Hellner
March 5, 2023
In this article, they talk about the extreme heat of 2022 and say how much heat-related deaths will continue to rise. What is somehow missing is the number of heat-related deaths. I would think that would be of utmost importance, but facts never seem to matter when the left is pushing an agenda.
Leftists misrepresent and lie a lot over the climate causes of deaths.
When leftists want to scare you about global warming, remind them of this fact
By Jack Hellner
March 5, 2023
In this article, they talk about the extreme heat of 2022 and say how much heat-related deaths will continue to rise. What is somehow missing is the number of heat-related deaths. I would think that would be of utmost importance, but facts never seem to matter when the left is pushing an agenda.
Leftists misrepresent and lie a lot over the climate causes of deaths.
“A theory that is not refutable by any conceivable event is non-scientific.” – Karl Popper
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